Her partner Phoebe Lesch wears a mirrored armourdress that has the same size as the the tablets. From September 3 through September 6, 2019, the artists walk through the Museum and the city and try to create encounters with public and passers-by who can watch the videos as well as reality's reflections on our bodies and talk to us.
Das Projekt „Mobile Cinema Reloaded“ sieht vor Künstler aus Deuschland auszusuchen, die dann in Helsinki und in Rom im Macro_asilo (www.museomacro.it) auf einem großen Screen gezeigt werden. Gleichzeitig findet die Performance von Mobile Cinema Walk statt, im Stadtraum von Rom und Helsinki mit der Thematik „innen & außen“. Die Künstlerinnen wandern durch den Außenraum der Stadt und stellen durch Gespräche, neue Kontexte und Interaktionen her, zwischen dem „innen & außen“. Diese Performance wird fotografisch begleitet und in einer Fotocollage von Einzelbildern festgehalten. Wir zeigen die Arbeiten also klassisch auf einem großen Bildschirm und gleichzeitig auf einem kleinen Screen im Innen- und Außenraum, den wir wie eine (Smartphone-/ Tablet-) Prothese mit uns herumtragen. Die Videos haben zwar ein ähnliches Format wie auf den Streaming-Plattformen, wo viele Künstler ihre Videos hochladen, sind aber gewissermaßen vom Netz genommen, entschleunigt, man kann sich die Videos auf unseren Körpern ansehen und gleichzeitig mit uns sprechen. Wirklichkeit und digitale Welt ergänzen sich bei Mobile Cinema Reloaded auf originelle Weise und können eine neue Videorezeption hervorrufen, die sich wiederum auswirkt auf die klassische Präsentation derselben auf dem großen Bildschirm im Museum. Gleichzeitig werden und Helsinki ansässige Videokünstler zu dem Thema „innen & außen“ kuratiert, die dann 2019 in der Platform
Plattform München auf einem großen Kino Screen zu sehen sind.
The Mobile Cinema Walk is documented by a photographer whose pictures are uploaded to the Museum's website: we try to create a visual circuit involving real and virtual worlds, a connection between inside and outside of the museum as well as new visual contexts for video screening.
MACRO_asilo is an experimental museum format unique in its kind which addresses the function of museums and the role of artists in contemporary society. Until Dec 2019, the Museum will be free of charge and open to public and artists at any time. It thus becomes a public space open to citizens eager to influence society in an idealistic, future oriented, "Schiller inspired" way (Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen) and fuel Italy's highly endangered democracy. It focusses on Rome (where Lesch has lived from 2010 to 2015), but pushes the boundaries: Roma città aperta. In Germany (especially in Bavaria) the crisis happens not yet to be as deep, but as artists and citizens, we should address the issues, because they can be solved only from a European perspective. As explained, we are going to take our project to Helsinki and Munich. This will greatly enhance MACRO_asilo's range of influence and secure our home base Platform's reputation as one of Munich's contemporary art centres.
Day One
On the first day, we performed under the big screen of MACRO and talked to visitors about video formats, the smartphone as a prothesis and the general theme of the video exhibition „inside/outside“. The videos deal with different themes ranging from dreamlike surrealist sceneries, bodytopics like breathing to political works dealing with refugees or migration; there are also works about space, fullness and emptiness from a sculptural point of view
Day Two
On the second day, we explored the surroundings of MACRO and dealt with everyday life, roman industriousness and craftiness.
Day Three
The Roman Subway Linea C was an ideal background for talking to people who just love to look at their smartphones while waiting for the next stop. People were interested in pondering about how much smartphones change their lives and how much they depend on them. The location was very appropriate for viewing small sized videos on tablet thanks to the atmosphere of the typical „non-lieu“. The reflecting mirrors were very effective in multiplying perspectives.
Day Four
Our last meeting point was Santo Stefano Rotondo. The location was perfect for us because the original frescoes were replaced by digital duplicates which reflected in Phoebe’s mirrordress. We actually don’t see the original which we are eager to protect, but its duplicate is everywhere and the quality is questionable.
Screening Annegret Bleisteiner Macro Asilo Museo Rom my hiding places part one 7min 2019